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Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas Honors Equus as the COVID-19 Commitment Award Recipient


Project Director Tera Nunn with the COVID-19 Commitment Award.

We are pleased to announce that Workforce Solutions (WFS) Greater Dallas has named Equus as the recipient of the COVID-19 Commitment Award. WFS Greater Dallas President Laurie Bouillion Larrea presented the award to Equus Project Director Tera Nunn and Equus Vice President of Operations Lisa Boyd during the 2020 Annual Workforce Excellence Awards on Wednesday, October 21.

When presenting the award, Laurie said, “We have always appreciated a strong corporate entity managing our workforce centers, but we have stronger testimony coming through this period of operation. Without our asking, they had plans, orders for supplies, and were staying in the centers to attend to customers. Even after the community acknowledged the spread of the virus and most businesses were shuttered, Equus was on the job.”

Laurie recognized Tera and Lisa for working tirelessly to assist the board staff and other contractors in making a successful transition to telework. In her speech, Laurie noted that Lisa was instrumental in helping WFS Greater Dallas regain normal operations remotely by providing the platform for all of their system-wide meetings for several weeks.

Lisa said, “We want to thank WFS Greater Dallas for their partnership and for putting the health and safety of our team members and job seekers first. Our local team has done a great job of pivoting to a virtual services environment in which we found new ways of doing business that has made us better as an organization.”

Laurie also recognized Center Managers Tammy Cooper, Patricia Washington, Rick Rodriguez, Shawna Burrowes, Willie Matlock, Otis Hewitt, and DeShayla Jefferson. She said, “This year, we didn’t pick a ‘Center of the Year’ – they are all worthy of recognition. Once phones were moved to homes and doors were finally closed, they began to work on essential jobs for those who had to work. They deployed all their energy to getting Dallas back to work – in times when few people wanted to risk it. Their team risked their own health to keep the centers going, and several experienced COVID, first-hand! They also turned an ear to every angry, frustrated, grieving caller – former employees turned unemployment recipients. This was grueling. We had few answers, but Equus offered some and always offered a listening ear.”

On top of all of this, the Equus team also donated their time by volunteering at Cornerstone Community Kitchen. Local staff leaders Felicia Rabon, Darice Anderson, Linda Edwards, Patricia Mabry, and Cherie Minnieweather prepped and served meals to the South Dallas community. Laurie said, “Cornerstone Community Kitchen uses food as a tool to strengthen bodies, minds and build healthier, more sustainable communities. Not only were each of the staff leaders super pumped to assist, but they have decided to make it an ongoing service to assist Cornerstone Community Kitchen on a monthly basis, thus allowing the opportunity for more Equus team members to share in giving back to the community.”

Equus Chief Customer Officer and Vice President of Operations Bradley Williams said, “Laurie’s words are a true testament to Tera and Lisa’s leadership. Their team’s efforts are really making an impact on the community.”

Tera has only been in her role as Project Director in Dallas for nine months. She said, “It has been eventful, and I have learned a great deal. I’m humbled and grateful to be a part of this award. I’m also extremely fortunate to work under excellent leadership with a great team.”

Laurie concluded her speech by noting that although the Equus headquarters is based in Louisville, KY, everyone who works in the centers is from Dallas. “They are the community serving the community. Even now, they are poised to re-open as soon as possible but doing it safely for our customers and their teams. With our gratitude, please congratulate Equus for their COVID-19 Commitment.”