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Partner With Us

Equus Workforce Solutions is an ideal partner to achieve widespread social impact. We have a rich history of collaborating with local, regional, and national partners in the development, design, and delivery of workforce solutions that create opportunities through family support services, education, training, job search assistance, placement, and retention. Whether you’re an employer who has job openings, an organization that provides wrap-around services, a corporate or foundation representative, an education/training partner looking to enhance their career offerings, or an individual who wants to volunteer, we would love to hear from you.

Partner With Us

Economic Development & Employer Partners

Equus is a pioneer of demand-driven models that focus on understanding and meeting the needs of employers by developing a talent pipeline that will meet your demands and connect with today’s workforce. Our company’s business solutions team specializes in working at the corporate level with employers who have a national or regional footprint.

Through collaboration with local community businesses, economic development agencies, and educational institutions, we’re able to assess and address hiring needs for our employer partners.

Let Equus Workforce Solutions Help You:

• Engage candidates not reached through traditional recruitment channels
• Address talent attraction challenges, while planning for future hiring needs through virtual and in-person hiring events 

• Improve work productivity

• Develop a registered apprenticeship program 

• Enhance employee retention
• Save money on employee wages

• Diversify your talent pipeline, while reducing employment costs

Corporate & Foundation Partners

Equus Workforce Solutions provides foundations and corporate partners with a way to blend your organization’s goals with our programmatic objectives. Our portfolio of services provides a full continuum of solutions focused on increasing opportunities for job seekers, families, communities, and businesses.

A partnership with us will demonstrate your company’s values by being a part of an ecosystem where public, private, and nonprofit sectors align to have greater community impact.

We would love to speak with you about your corporate social responsibility goals and how we can partner together to make a meaningful difference.

Higher Education & Training Provider Partners

Equus Workforce Solutions is committed to building impactful relationships with institutions of higher education and training providers in order to drive positive social change and economic sustainability within communities across North America – through educational advancement and attainment.

Allow Equus Workforce Solutions to Support Your Goals Through:

• Direct placement and job matching services
• Career coaching and assessments
• Internship program development
• Apprenticeship opportunities
• Virtual and in-person hiring events

• Recruitment and retention consulting services

• Access to over 400,000 employer partners and industry leaders  ​
• Innovative tools and technology to support career outcomes
• Course customization and skills development
• Access to labor market research and statistics

Local Government Agencies & Non-Profit Partners

When we work together, we have a greater impact! We design and implement workforce networks that are locally responsive, community-based, outcome-focused, and human-centered. These networks result in simplified and effective ways to find sustainable employment for individuals based on their needs and the needs of businesses to stay competitive and grow.

Our goal is to maximize community impact, through collaboration, by aligning non-profit organizations, workforce boards, economic development agencies, and educational institutions to support the needs of marginalized groups. If your organization provides supports or funding to any of these groups, we’d love to hear from you:

• Unemployed
• Underemployed
• Dislocated Workers
• Food stamp recipients
• Justice involved
• Youth (in and out of school)
• Career changers
• Displaced homemakers

• English language learners
• Individuals with disabilities

• Newcomers
• Low income workers
• Non-custodial parents
• People experiencing homelessness
• Recent high school and college graduates
• Refugees
• Those impacted by COVID-19 job disruptions
• Welfare recipients
• Veterans

Creating Opportunities. Changing Lives.

Infographic of Equus scope of services, revised January 2024

Partner With Us