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Celebrating International Day of People with Disability

In celebration of International Day of People with Disability we’re highlighting the resilient and inspiring stories of those served by our WeCARE team in New York City. Equus programs like WeCARE focus on removing barriers for persons with disability to build a more inclusive and diverse community.


Akeem was an experienced bike repairman whose career was abruptly halted by injury. With the support of the Equus WeCARE team, Akeem rediscovered interest in customer service and security. The team assisted Akeem in obtaining security training certificates and licenses, opening doors to fresh opportunities.

In May 2023, Akeem embarked on a new chapter as a remote customer service agent. The accommodation provided by his employer resonated with him, fostering a sense of satisfaction in his work. Akeem’s journey didn’t end there; he continued to reach new heights. Shortly after obtaining his NYS Security license, Akeem embraced a security position while also working as a customer service agent.

Today, Akeem successfully manages both roles, a testament to his resilience and determination. Akeem not only transitioned from a setback but transformed it into an opportunity for a fulfilling and diverse career.


In March 2023, Alejandro embarked on a transformative journey despite initially facing academic challenges. Over the next four months, he dedicated himself to immersive workshops, job coaching and a relentless job search.

With support from his Business Service Coordinator and team, Alejandro’s tenacity paid off when he secured a position as a Maintenance/Porter in May 2023.

Fast forward to today—Alejandro is thriving in his role. His success is not just confined to employment; thanks to the collaborative efforts of the team, Alejandro is now on the waiting list for an apartment with help from the Mutual Housing Association of New York.

On International Day of People with Disability, we celebrate Alejandro and the countless others who continue to redefine what’s possible.


In 2018, Andrea was involved in a motor vehicle accident. As a result of the accident, Andrea was unable to return to her previous job as a hairdresser. In 2023, Andrea was referred to WeCARE’s vocational program and expressed a strong desire to return to school to obtain her GED and to reach her employment goals.

She attended daily workshops and worked collaboratively with the team, researching various school programs and self-employment positions.

Through hard work, perseverance and the support of her dedicated vocational team, Andrea successfully navigated the path to enroll in the College of Staten Island’s GED prep program. Andrea will attend the program in January and hopes to obtain self-employment in the future.

Her journey inspires anyone navigating unforeseen challenges in their career path.


Once a client navigating complex health barriers, Kimaleana seized the opportunity to not only overcome her challenges but to become an integral part of the team. Starting as a client, she emerged as a beacon of resilience and empowerment, ultimately joining Equus Workforce Solutions as an Assessment Specialist.

During her time as a program participant, Kimaleana honed a diverse set of skills to manage her health barriers and prepare for a return to work. Recognizing an opening within the organization, she applied for the Assessment Specialist position. Since joining the team, Kimaleana ascended to the role of Employment Coach within two years.

As an Employment Coach, Kimaleana imparts valuable skills and serves as a living testament that obstacles can be overcome. Her ability to face adversity head-on, achieve her personal and professional goals, and, most importantly, return to work for the program that once supported her is a powerful narrative of triumph.

On International Day of People with Disability, Kimaleana is a shining example, proving that individuals can transform their challenges into stepping stones for success. She shows us that true empowerment comes not just from overcoming barriers but from using those experiences to uplift and guide others on their journey to success.