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The Way We Lead – Wisconsin FSET Team Creates COVID-19 Kits To Keep Participants Safe

Wisconsin FSET Administrative Manager Rachael Keeley (pictured above) with one of the kits.

During these challenging times, Wisconsin Food Share Employment and Training (FSET) Project Director Katie Dziedzic and her team are Working Smart and Doing Good to ensure participants have the resources they need to stay safe and healthy. They have increased their already robust supportive service offerings to include monthly internet and cell phone reimbursement and emergency rental assistance.

However, many FSET program participants cannot afford personal protective equipment (PPE) to safely participate in activities outside the home, so they created COVID-19 Kits that could be distributed to participants. Each kit contains disposable masks, gloves, alcohol wipes, hand sanitizer, a carrying case with travel-size items, and a UV-Clean phone sanitizer. If participants run out of items, they can replenish supplies through their Talent Development Specialist.

“Between our two regions, six locations, and the diligent work of our teams, we have been able to send out over 300 kits in less than two weeks. This process required phone calls to every participant on our caseload to discuss the availability of the kits, verification of their address, and their continued engagement in the program. Once we spoke to participants, the information was routed to our supportive service team to place orders using Amazon for quick delivery,” said Katie.

“The feedback from our participants has been wonderful. They are extremely grateful that Equus values their health and safety enough to go above and beyond and send all these items to them,” she said.

Keep up the great work, Wisconsin FSET Team! Thank you for seeing the possibilities and being an example in your community.